Connor Heindel

My Portfolio

View my programs at

The README of the projects summarize what they are, what they do, and their current development status

Points Sharp Steel

My parents' website at

Designed from scratch, mobile-compatable design when the viewport isn't as wide, to minimize wasted whitespace on smaller devices. The slideshow was written by myself, as I didn't see the benefit in importing a massive Javascript library just for a slideshow, so I wrote it in JQuery myself. HTML5 and CSS3, with heavy SEO to show up on Google first. Simple, minimalist design, with the info plainly laid out.

Hosted on one of my CentOS 7 servers, running Apache2 (httpd). There's multiple websites on the server, so I have a custom configured vHost setup for each domain, each with strict HTTPS enabled using Let's Encrypt certificates. Custom headers as well, limiting the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks, with an A+ rating through Mozilla's Observatory.


I have a self-hosted Bitwarden instance running on another server through Digital Ocean. It is an extremely locked down server, with SSH key access only, root login disabled, and a strict SELinux policy in place. User account verification is through SMTP to my Gmail account, and it is a dedicated server to prevent any potential leaks. It is running in a Docker instance shipped by Bitwarden for self-hosted deployment.


My self-hosted Git instance, as linked above, is a deployment of Gogs, a git server written in Golang. It is running as a daemon on the server, using systemctl and a custom init.d file to launch it automatically in the background. It is running on the same CentOS 7 Digital Ocean server that this website is running on, and while it natively runs on port 3000, I am using Apache2 to serve it on that git subdomain, using a mix of Virtual Hosts and mod_proxy within Apache, applying a Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificate through the proxy, with a custom Gogs configuration to make it all work.

My servers and websites

I have a number of servers on Digital Ocean, all running CentOS 7. One hosts this website and the Gogs instance, one is hosting Bitwarden by itself, another hosts Points Sharp Steel's website and is my general hosting server, running the occasional gameserver, IRC bouncer (ZNC specifically), fileserver (quick-and-simple Apache index), and whatever else I feel the need to host in the short or long term.

Pretty much every server is locked down with SSH key login only, with root login disabled, and SELinux running. All of the websites across the servers are running Apache2, with a custom configuration, Let's Encrypt certificates, and strict HTTPS, along with custom headers to reduce security risks.

All of them are running CentOS 7 because that is what I started getting into first- the first version of my general server that hosts Points Sharp Steel was initially Ubuntu Server, then Debian, and I finally settled on CentOS 7. This current server, hosting this website and the Gogs instance, used to be CentOS 8, but with the latest news from RedHat on how CentOS 8 is only supported for another year, no longer Long Term Support, as they push more people to enterprise RHEL, I decided to migrate it to the longer-support CentOS 7 (which ends LTS in 2024), and as the end of support date approaches, I will study up on what options are available, as I've seen that the original maintainer of CentOS, before RedHat took it over, is possibly starting a passion project to make a "new" CentOS that acts as the free RHEL downstream again.